
Equipment for Preparation Latjemi

Universal abrasions for slaughtering machines

A compact desktop with a manual feed.

Three types of sample feed:

  • By weight of the specimen;
  • A rotating grip
  • The manual feed of the table (the sample is pinned to the table of the crop).

The different options for providing the sample and the wide range of holders of the machine can be used to sample complex geometric shapes and very small specimens.

The machine allows you to cut samples from the minimum deformation.


The simplest table of the machine.

  • Works well for simple geometric shapes.
  • Allows you to make very fast quality Reza.
  • Does not require any preset.



The precision of the sensory display.

The rate of rotation of the circle may be controlled from 500 to 5000 rpm

may be fitted with different holders:

  • Standard Quick Disks
  • Clamps for a non-standard shape
  • Rotating holders (to cut from a certain angle);
  • and others.




Hot-Press Automatic LM type
Automatic press for a hot-start.

  • Has an automatic lid (instead of screw) that makes it as safe as possible.
  • Completely automatic hydraulic system.
  • Compact.
  • Heating and cooling is easy to adjust depending on the type of material.
  • The control, heating, cooling is automatically controlled.
  • A touch-memory LCD screen (allows you to create a sticky program under different types of masters)



Polishing machine
are suitable for a wide range of tasks and can be staffed according to the needs of the customer:

  • You can create a manual holder for customer masters and tasks
  • Manual grinding machines may be fitted with any type of automatic sample holder-mechanical or pneumatic
  • Mechanical specimen holders can be fitted with a control over the material of the specimen
  • Released machine can be manufactured with separate motors for each working circle
  • A fully automated model has the ability to create programs for different masters and materials
  • Controls using the time adjustment grips and the rotation speed of the working circle or by using a touch display.



